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The Fellowship Of The
Esoteric School Of Higher Learning

A Community based on the principles of Alchymie,
committed to being the ‘esoteric’ difference:

* To facilitate an evolutionary shift in those who freely choose to participate in an awakening process of living their lives based on the principle of Love – to transcend the ‘egoic’ impulse for mere survival.

* To live, and encourage others to live a truly moral disposition, which is always drawing each of us to our real possibility in every moment.

* To awaken to the understanding that ‘Prior Happiness’ and ‘Consciousness Itself’ are our True Human Condition.

* To engage the Alchymie of Hermetic Instruction to facilitate the above objectives.

* To reflect the above principles in Consciousness through our living presentation in all levels of life.

* To create and sustain a living demonstration of Conscious Life through the synergy of co-operative community, embodying the transformative process and ‘counter-egoic’ principles implicit in the Alchymie of Hermetic Instruction.

* To create and maintain environments in which to allow the Alchymie of Hermetic Instruction to be held and lived. These spaces are to be known as the ‘Heart of Space’.

This site is for Members Of The Community.
Read more and join us on our other platforms below…